
Learn more about important notices that could effect you.

Free Water Analysis Not Endorsed by Clearbrook Waterworks

Clearbrook Waterworks has not endorsed the free water analysis currently being offered to residents in our area. Our award-winning water does not require any treatment. Please see our annual water quality report for further info or if you have questions about our water, please contact us at the office.

Annual Open House and Barbecue

Please join us at our Annual Open House and Barbecue for lunch on August 24th from 10:30 - 2:00 at 2450 Lynden Street in Abbotsford.

Important Message from Fraser Health

Clearbrook Waterworks District wishes to make all ratepayers aware of the following recommendations from Fraser Health for all water consumers: Metals in Drinking water - "Flush" Message!

Anytime the water in a particular faucet has not been used for six hours or longer, "flush" your cold-water pipes by running water until you notice a change in temperature. (This could take as little as five to thirty seconds if there has been recent heavy water use such as showering or toilet flushing. Otherwise, it could take two minutes or longer.) The more time water has been sitting in your home's pipes, the more lead it may contain.

Use only water from the cold-water tap for drinking, cooking, and especially for making baby formula. Hot water is likely to contain higher levels of lead.

The two actions recommended above are very important to the health of your family. They will probably be effective in reducing leads levels because most of the lead in household water usually comes from the plumbing in your house, not from the local water supply.

Conserving water is still important. Rather than just running water down the drain you could use the water for things such as watering your plants.

Sign up for eBilling!

You can register for this paperless billing option by sending an e-mail to with the subject line of "sign me up" and your account number in the e-mail or or signing up online.


If you sign up for E-billing please add to your safe senders list. Then watch for your quarterly invoice. They are sent out March, June September and December each year.

Send us Your Email Address

Please send your e-mail address to the office so that we can contact you by e-mail when required.

Please consider being listed as a volunteer. If you would like to sign up to help out if necessary, please indicate this with your email address or contact the office and provide us with contact information.


No person, other than those under authorization by the Clearbrook Waterworks Water shall operate valves, bypasses or any other part of the system. Water meter tampering is a serious offence and will be dealt with accordingly. For more information, please contact the office.